Stock exchange notices
ODL - Facilities extension complete
Further to the stock exchange notice of 26 May 2021, Odfjell Drilling Ltd is pleased to inform that the final documentation for the extension of the…
ODL - Minutes from Annual General Meeting 23 June 2021
Reference is made to the notice of the Annual General Meeting issued by Odfjell Drilling Ltd. (the "Company") on 1 June 2021. Please be advised…
Odfjell Partners Ltd has on 8 June 2021 in a private transaction acquired 371,600 common shares in Odfjell Drilling Ltd ("ODL") from the CEO of…
ODL - Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Odfjell Drilling Ltd (the "Company") will be held on 23 June 2021 at 9.00 a.m. (local time), at Bergen…
ODL - Disclosure of major shareholding
Due to a purchase of 300,000 shares on 28 May 2021, Bybrook Capital Master Fund LP, Bybrook Capital Hazelton Master Fund LP, Bybrook Capital…
Odfjell Drilling Ltd. - Presentation in today's Investor Conference Call
Please find attached the Q1 2021 Presentation which will be used as a basis for today's investor conference call at 15.00hrs CET. There will be a…
Odfjell Drilling Ltd. reports for the first quarter of 2021
Odfjell Drilling Ltd. reports for the first quarter of 2021 - Operating revenue of USD 182 million - EBITDA of USD 45 million - EBIT of USD 0…
ODL - Firm bank commitments for extension of 2021 debt maturities
Odfjell Drilling has, on 26 May 2021, received firm bank commitments for amending and extending the November 2021 debt maturities. The Deepsea…
ODL - Deepsea Stavanger awarded Equinor contract
Equinor has today awarded a drilling contract to Odfjell Drilling for the use of the sixth generation semi-submersible Deepsea Stavanger. The…
Odfjell Drilling Ltd. - Q1 2021 earnings announcement date and conference call details
In connection with the Q1 2021 earnings announcement on Thursday 27 May 2021, Odfjell Drilling Ltd. will host an investor conference call on the same…
ODL - One additional well to Deepsea Atlantic
Please be advised that Equinor has exercised one additional well to the Deepsea Atlantic contract. The well has been exercised under the Continued…
ODL - Sustainability Report & GRI Index
Attached is Odfjell Drilling Ltd.'s sustainability report for 2020 and GRI reference index. The report and index are also available on the company's…