Sustainability is integrated into our daily operations and our processes, including strategy development, risk management and Group performance.  

The ultimate responsibility for sustainability performance lies with the Board, which decides on strategic direction and policy commitments. Our sustainability strategy outlines key responsibilities for integrating sustainability into both our strategic planning and daily operations. Our sustainability approach is both ambitious and practical, striving for realistic and attainable goals. In preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Group has integrated non-financial ESG reporting with financial reporting. Both financial and non-financial reporting are overseen by the Chief Financial Officer Odfjell Drilling AS.  

Our transparent Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) initiatives and reporting mechanisms, aim to foster trust among our stakeholders, including employees, financial institutions, and government bodies. By framing sustainability within our ESG framework, we acknowledge and address associated risks, while showcasing our management of these risks, and our ability to identify opportunities. The sustainability strategy is anchored on level 1 in the Company Management System. The purpose of the procedure is to align and link the Group’s ESG effort and ambitions. 

See our 2023 Sustainability Statement published in the integrated Annual Report here. Our sustainability reporting is based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS), the GRI 2021 Standard, the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


Governance responsibilities are distributed among the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer Odfjell Drilling AS, Executive Management Team, the Sustainability Forum, and dedicated task forces, ensuring comprehensive oversight and execution of sustainability initiatives. 

Key functions such as corporate HR, QHSSE, and compliance play important roles in overseeing various aspects of sustainability, from employee well-being to environmental impact mitigation. The Sustainability Forum coordinates ESG efforts, facilitating the development and execution of our strategy and initiatives across the organisation. The Vice President of Sustainability is responsible for the development and implementation of our Group’s sustainability strategy, reporting to the CFO, and collaborating closely with corporate and Group level functions.


As a global business, Odfjell Drilling interacts with many stakeholder groups on a daily basis. Our stakeholders include investors and financial institutions, clients, employees, suppliers, governmental bodies and society at large, including non- governmental organisations. We work to understand stakeholder interests and expectations, and act accordingly.